Hatchet Vs Axe. What Is The Difference?

Many believe that hatchets and axes are different names for the same tool. But, hatchets as well as axes can be used for very different purposes. Theyre used for various workloads and different things. Dont get me wrong, they do have similarities, but they also have their differences.

The primary differences between hatchets and axes are in their appearance and purpose. Axes weigh more and are larger than hatchets. Due to their size, axes should be used for intermediate jobs, like splitting firewood.

Looking at the similarities between hatchets and axes, its easy to understand why and how people mix these two tools up. But once we go over the differences between these two, youll never mistake one for the other again. Keep reading Hatchet vs Axe: Is There a Difference? for more information!

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What Is A Hatchet?

Hatchets can look a lot like axes in many ways. They are used for many different purposes. Hatchets are most often used by carpenters, campers, or roofers. A hatchet can be compared to a small axe. Hatchets come with a smaller handle and a sharp blade.

You will need to consider the weight, material, and length of the handle when choosing a hatchet.

What Is An Axe?

If youve been shopping for axes, then youve probably seen different companies claiming that they have the best axe or axes on the market. In reality, most of these axes are not unique. To know whats the best axe for you, you will need to know ahead of time what kind of tasks you will be completing.

It can be difficult to find the right axe for your needs, even if you are aware of the tasks involved. There are many types of axes. There are Viking axes and double-bit axes. So whats the difference between the three of them?

  • Throwing Axes is a type of axe that is most often used in competitions. There are many throwing axe contests you can take part in.
  • Double-bit axes can be described as normal axes. They are the most common type of axe. However, they have two blades on each side of their head.
  • Viking Axes are mostly used for decoration. These axes have a Viking design, and they can’t be used to do woodwork because they are made with a low quality head/blade.

Axes come with a long handle, and at the top of the handle, they come with the head. The blade of the axe head is used for cutting down trees or wood. The axe head is fitted to the handle exactly like hammers.

Hatchet Vs Axe: Similarities

Many similarities exist between hatchets & axes which lead many people to believe they are one and the same tool. These are the main similarities between them:

  • Both hatchets as well as axes have traditionally been made from a steelhead with a sharp edge and attached to a wood or composite handle.
  • Uses: A hatchet or an axe can be used to cut wood.

Although hatchets are similar in appearance and have the same basic functions as axes, they are actually two completely different tools. It is both important and useful to understand the differences between them.

Hatchet Vs Axe: Differences

It is interesting to note that the main differences between hatchets & axes lie in the same areas as their similarities (listed above). Axes can be used to cut wood or other small jobs, while hatchets can be used for light chopping.

If you pay attention to specific parts of the appearance, it is easy to tell the difference between an axe and a hatchet.

  • Size An axe will be hefty and quite long. A hatchet, on the other hand will fit comfortably in one hand. The best thing we can compare it to is a hammer. If you can easily slip it onto a belt holster, then its a hatchet.
  • Shaft Design Axe shafts arent usually angled but instead meet the head at nearly a 90-degree angle. Hatchet shafts tend to curve forward, which puts the head almost flush with the handles forward-most point.
  • Head Shape Heads on axes are usually larger and taper slightly from the bit to the opposite end of the head. Hatchets have smaller heads and a larger bit. This causes a dramatic taper.

If you don’t have the tools to compare, the best way to distinguish between hatchets and axes is to examine their sizes.


A hand axe, also known by the name „camping axe“, is the most common axe. These axes are approximately two-thirds the size of regular axes but twice as large as a hatchet.

They are smaller than full-size axes, but have more cutting power and versatility. But on the other hand, the longer shaft on hand axes means that they are less versatile than hatchets.

Hand axes are often used for activities such as:

  • Splitting firewood
  • Small trees can be cut
  • Small lumber can be chopped

There are many types of hand-axes, depending on the purpose. A hand axe for carpentry might look very different from one for forestry. The variety among hand axes is lesser than the variety among regular axes. This is because hand axes are not suitable for certain activities. A standard axe would be a better choice.

With all of that being said, theyre still the most popular axe for campers. They are perfect for turning small trees into firewood. Pay attention to the shaft’s thickness when choosing a hand-axe. The shaft should not be wider than the axe’s head. To ensure that the axe is balanced and light, it’s a good idea to check its weight. Hand axes should weigh in at 2 lbs.


Hatchets are smaller in girth, length, and size than hand axes. They are perfect for small chopping projects due to their small size. Activities that the hatchet is most useful for are:

  • Chopping small branches off trees
  • Splitting pieces of firewood
  • Reduce small to medium bushes
  • Trees and saplings should be removed

Although their small size makes it difficult to do light work, there are many other benefits such as:

  • It’s easier to carry, use, and store.
  • More flexible and mobile
  • Reduce the amount of energy and force required

A hatchet is the best option if you are looking for something to do in your garden. They are a popular alternative to full-size axes or hand axes due to their size and versatility. Hatchets usually have a hammerhead on the opposite end of the bit. The bit is only for chopping and cutting purposes, and the hammer head is used for striking.

Wrapping Up

There is Hatchet vs Axe: Is There a Difference! We hope this article helped you understand the difference between a hatchet and a hand axe! Which do you prefer? Are you a fan of a hatchet over an axe? If not, are you considering purchasing one now? Please feel free to leave a comment; we would love to hear from you!

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